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Announcing Our New Board Members

We would like to welcome Judge Edward M. Emmett and Domoine D. Rutledge to our Board of Directors. They join existing board members Tim Barfield, Michael B. Songy, PE, PLS, Chris Pellegrin, AIA, and D. Randolph Waesche. CSRS extends a special thanks to D. Stephen LaPlace for his service on the board.

Judge Edward M. Emmett

Judge Edward M. Emmett's background in transportation policy spans decades. A member of the Texas House of Representatives from 1979 to 1987, Emmett was chairman of the Committee on Energy, a member of the Transportation Committee, and represented the state on numerous national energy and transportation policy committees. In 1989, President George H. W. Bush nominated Emmett as a commissioner at the Interstate Commerce Commission. After being confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate, Emmett served on the commission for three years.

Following his service at the Interstate Commerce Commission, Emmett was president of The National Industrial Transportation League from 1992 until 2003, when he created The Emmett Company, a transportation policy consulting firm. From 2007 until 2019, Emmett served as County Judge of Harris County, Texas. In that role, he was the chief executive officer of the nation's third-largest county and was the Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Currently, Emmett has several critical roles in the development of transportation policy. He chairs the Texas Department of Transportation Freight Advisory Committee and is on numerous transportation-related advisory boards.'

Domoine D. Rutledge

Domoine D. Rutledge is Vice President and General Counsel at CSRS. In this dual capacity, he provides oversight and management of all legal affairs of the company and serves as Education Market Sector Leader, which includes K-12 and Higher Education.

Prior to joining CSRS, Mr. Rutledge served over 15 years as General Counsel of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System and Chief Legal Advisor to the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board.

Mr. Rutledge brings a unique background of experience in matters related to K-12 school systems. His K-12 experiences include but are not limited to, significant participation in the resolution of desegregation litigation, capital improvement plans, facility management agreements, K-12 finances, risk management, policy development and implementation, school board reapportionment, labor and employment issues, and procurement. He also has significant higher education experience, having served as National President of the Southern University Alumni Federation, Immediate Past Chairman of the Southern University System Foundation Board of Directors, and the current Chairman of the Southern University System Board of Supervisors.

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