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City of New Orleans Provides Residents with Updates on Disaster Recovery Assistance and Resources

NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans continues to update residents on Hurricane Ida response and recovery efforts. City agencies and public safety officials continue to assess damages sustained during the storm. Mayor LaToya Cantrell and other City officials have prioritized restoring residential services by moving resources to neighborhoods.

Recovery updates are as follows:

City Agency Updates

Sewerage and Water Board New Orleans (SWBNO)

  • SWBNO is working to restore normal operations at the East Bank Wastewater Treatment Plant

  • Urging the public to be extremely mindful when using water

  • Large appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines should not be used at this time

  • Residents are encouraged to take shorter showers and conserve water

  • SWBNO is utilizing vacuum and flush trucks to keep up with demand as much as possible and to address any reported “hot spots”

  • Residents should call 52-WATER to report any sewage backups

Additional State and Local Resources

Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) Behavioral Health Resources

  • The Office of Behavioral Health is providing resources for anyone experiencing a crisis

  • Trained and compassionate individuals are available to support Louisianans with a listening ear, provide information and connect to confidential mental health and substance abuse services

Keep Calm Line

  • Phone: 1-866-310-7977

  • Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Behavioral Health Recovery Outreach Line

  • Phone: 1-833-333-1132

  • Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • For healthcare professionals and individuals in recovery

Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counseling Program

Louisiana 211

  • Phone: 2-1-1

  • Website:

  • Free, 24/7 referral and information line that connects people to a wide range of health and human services

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Louisiana

Local Human Services Districts/Authorities

National resources SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline

  • Phone: 1-800-985-5990

  • Text TALKWITHUS to 66746

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Crisis Text Line

  • Text REACHOUT to 741741 (available 24/7)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Downloadable resources

Generator Safety Tips

The Louisiana State Fire Marshal has provided the following generator safety tips:

  1. Place generator at least 20 feet away from your home, away from open doors, windows and vent

  2. Before refueling, turn the generator off and allow it to cool for 15-20 minutes

  3. Do not use a generator in wet conditions

  4. Have a fire extinguisher and carbon monoxide monitor for your home

  5. Never try to power the house wiring by plugging the generator into a wall outlet

Louisiana State Fire Marshall Facebook Video on Generator Safety:

Disaster Louisiana Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

  • FEMA representatives have been deployed to Orleans Parish to support recovery efforts

  • Residents are encouraged to register online at

  • Affected residents can also download the FEMA APP or call 1-800-621-3362 to register

  • Homeowners or renters with insurance policies are encouraged to file a claim with individual insurance provider


  • If you have insurance, residents are encouraged to file a claim with their homeowner’s or renter’s insurance provider

  • If you have not filed an insurance claim or provided a copy of your insurance settlement approval or denial to FEMA, you will likely receive a "no decision" notification

  • This means FEMA may need additional information from you to continue processing your application

  • For National Flood Insurance Program questions, email or call 877-336-2627

For FEMA Assistance

  • For residents who live in Orleans Parish, FEMA disaster assistance may be available to help pay uninsured or underinsured losses such as home repair for disaster-related damage, rental assistance, reimbursement for lodging expenses for individuals whose home was inaccessible or uninhabitable during the disaster, medical expenses incurred from this disaster or other disaster-related needs

  • Residents may be eligible for a one-time payment of $500 per household for immediate or critical lifesaving and life-sustaining items such as water, food, fuel for transportation or prescriptions

  • FEMA may provide one month of expedited rental assistance to eligible applicants who reported their essential utilities are temporarily unavailable

  • To apply for FEMA assistance, go to or call 800-621-3362

Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

  • DUA is available to unemployed workers or self-employed individuals who became unemployed as a direct result of Hurricane Ida that are otherwise ineligible to receive state unemployment insurance benefits

  • Workers that are already receiving unemployment insurance benefits due to COVID-19 should continue filing weekly claims, and not file for DUA

  • The deadline to file a DUA claim is Oct. 4, 2021

  • To learn more about the program and check eligibility, click here

Shelter Transportation Assistance

  • City began assisting state and federal agencies in coordinating the transport of residents with critical medical needs that were interested in evacuating to state-run shelters

  • Will operate daily from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. from 12 RTA pick up locations, visit

  • Busses will be limited to 2,300 riders per day

  • NOLA Ready via text if the daily maximum is reached before 4 p.m.

  • To receive Ida recovery and response information, text NOLAREADY to 77295. To sign up for the Special Needs Registry, call 3-1-1

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