BREC Resilience Strategy
Services Provided
Resilience Assessments
Resilience Planning
Resilience Planning
Cities around the world are recognizing the promise that parks hold in reducing the risks of extreme weather, environmental degradation, and threats to public health. The Great Floods of 2016 devastated the Baton Rouge area and highlighted the importance of the Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC). BREC parks already provide resilience benefits and naturally serve as flood storage due to their natural areas. However, with intentional design, investment, and maintenance, BREC can greatly expand the range and depth of these benefits, reducing risk for the entire Parish while improving its own operations.
To understand BREC’s parish-wide positive impacts, CSRS conducted eight site assessments, interviewed staff, and researched existing programs and initiatives to create BREC’s first Resilience Strategy. Working directly with BREC staff, CSRS helped craft both system-wide and park-specific resilience-building action items in response to the 2016 flood event. The report also highlights high-risk watershed zones and BREC’s opportunity to invest in future resilience planning.