Mandeville Resilience Plan
2021 - 2023
Services Provided
Resilience Planning
Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
2D Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling
Preliminary Project Scoping and Prioritization
Policy Recommendations
Community Engagement
CSRS spearheads an innovative resilience planning pilot set to revolutionize coastal communities starting with Mandeville. Collaborating with stakeholders and the public, CSRS will tailor strategies, utilizing advanced 2D models to assess storm surge and flood risks in St. Tammany Parish.
CSRS is leading the first community-scaled resilience planning pilot project funded by the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA). The pilot program intends to inform a framework for CPRA to assist coastal communities in determining an acceptable level of risk, identifying hazards, and creating policy and project solutions to reduce risk and improve community resilience. As a part of this effort, CSRS will work with key stakeholders and the public in Mandeville to identify the local context for resilience and inform grounded strategies that improve the community’s ability to respond to and recover from natural hazards.
After identifying the community’s desired resilience goals, CSRS will develop detailed surface 2D hydraulic and hydrologic (H&H) models that factor in storm surge, fluvial flood risk, and their complex interactions for the areas of St. Tammany Parish located south of Interstate-12. Layered into this analysis will be an assessment of what critical infrastructure, housing, commercial, and industrial real estate are at risk from flooding under various scenarios, including the impact of different growth scenarios.
The risk modeling and hazard identification will inform opportunities to position projects, including initial assessments of benefits and costs, and develop policies that reduce existing risk and inform future growth. CSRS will work with CPRA and the City of Mandeville to identify grounded project and policy strategies that respond to the available funding landscape and political constraints.
City of Mandeville
Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority